December 20, 2010

I Love A Good Challenge: Day 1

I am officially on winter break and since I will be off for a month and I don't have a job I have a lot of free time! lol.Lately I been feeling like I'm focusing a little too much on fashion. Cause if you look back to when I first started blogging I would write a lot of funny stories/facts etc and my blog had more of a personal feel. So to bring back that closeness I decided to do a 30-Day Blog Challenge! Everyday I will be writing a new post on random topics that the challenge requires, I won't tell you guys now cause I feel like it will ruin the surprise so you just gotta check in daily and see.
My first challenge is: Day 1 – A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
This a picture of me before my senior prom 2010.

Anyways about my day, wow, today isn't the most interesting day to talk about seeing as how I slept till 12 and didn't do a thing. Man I was bored. I hung out with my cousins all day, I love my family. We had the New York style pizza from Jerry's which is $5.99 on Mondays, it was so damn chewy my jaw started to hurt after one slice, I wouldn't recommend I spent most of the day laying around and doing nothing productive. I wanted to finally do my DIY (Do It Yourself) of this frill scarf but I'm at my cousin's and they don't have a single pair of scissors in the whole house -_- I thought about using a knife to do it but that doesn't seem like a good idea (kinda ghetto) I told you my day was Ok I'm done rapping. Promise the rest of the days of the challenge will be better.

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