January 24, 2011

Ramblings Pt. 1

When I have too much time on my hands I tend to think about all the silly, interesting, and questionable things in the world. lol I came across this list of random things in an email so I thought I'd make my own list to share cause I know I'm not alone on these thoughts.

1. That awkward moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong but you don't wanna admit it cause then you would feel like you wasted your time.
2. When you are watching a movie with someone and they keep asking questions like they aren't seeing the same thing on the screen as you.
3. Why doesn't the freezer have a light?
4. How do you fold those fitted sheets (those sheets with no defined corners)? I personally just roll it up into a ball and stuff it into the linen closet.
5.When you open the fridge like 3 different times hoping you will find something new to eat.
6. When I was little I dreaded bedtime/naptime but now I would do anything for just 5 more minutes of sleep.
7. When you're little and your parents tell u not to blow bubbles in your milk, why not, it's not hurting anyone?
8. Something new is always coming out, how long are we gonna try to keep up with the jones'?
9. I don't really see the difference between blu-ray and dvds.
10. 3-D movies make my head hurt, in the future I'm sure everything will be 3-D :(
11. All the new technology and stuff that's suppose to be making our lives easier is making us lazy I feel. Escalators, online shopping (you can even buy your groceries online) and they wonder why America is obese. Shopping and walking up stairs is some people's only form of excercise you know.

12. I don't wash my jeans everytime I wear them. It's not like they get dirty...
13. When I'm not listening to someone I just say "yeah, uh huh, or true" after each interval of their speech.
14. Why can't I dance?
15. I never use any math other than basic algebra addition/subtraction/multiplication/division in real life. So why do we learn all those difficult formulas and what not when we are just gonna forget. What is the school board tryna prove?
16. When I'm taking a test and have the same answer more than twice (Like getting B for the answer 3 times) I get suspicious and change one.
17. People don't understand my sarcasm.
18. I get mad at people for being what I consider "stupid"
19. I'm one of those people that hates compliments, makes me feel awkward and I always feel the need to say something in return. For ex.
Person: I like your hair Fatima
Me: Umm your nails look helathy :)
and that's really the type of things I say.lol
20. Because of hooked on phonics I can't spell to save my life, I'm always typing words into google search so it can be corrected.

That's all for now.

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