March 14, 2011

Love, Supreme Queen.

Wore my favorite black trench coat for a late lunch with Patrick, he got lost for like 3 hours coming to my house...swear. I do live in the boonies but his driving is pretty sketch, like he may be the worst driver I have ever encountered and he gets mad whenever I say this but I'm always scared for my life in the car with him. Anyways he got me home safely and even took these pics for me ^__^
I experimented with this nude/pinkish lipstick, since I have big lips I'm very cautious about not using any wild colors or making my lips look any larger than they are but this is okay to me...what ya'll think?
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Trench: London Fog
Shoes: Delia's 
Sweater: Express

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1 comment:

  1. i think that you look different with the lipstick you are wearing, but in a good way. it looks really nice on you and it never hurts to try a new style...
