July 21, 2011

Summer Glow.

I will bet anything that there isn't a single fashion forward girl in the world who doesn't have the orange and pink color block in their closet for this spring/summer. I picked up this cute little multi ruffle tiered skirt from H&M that I love to pieces. Wore it out to lunch with my friend Rama since she is going back to Indiana tomorrow :( She told me that she has never been to Chipotle before and being the humanitarian I am 
 I decided to take her there to give her what she's been deprived of all these years.lol
Oh yeah, and for once I look dewy in my photos...I used Fruit of The Earth Aloe Vera Skin Cooler instead of my  usual Avon Moisture Therapy lotion and it's been working wonders. I have this natural summer glow to my skin now and I love it! I suggest you guys try the product.
Also for once I decided to post photos of me having fun in front of the camera instead of choosing the best ones or the ones where I think I look perfect. Just to show you guys that I'm only human and imperfection is beautiful:)

Her FIRST bite of Chipotle ever!

I forgot to wear earrings this day and I felt absolutely naked:/

1 comment:

  1. 1/ never been to Chipotle either
    2/ I totally feel you for the feeling of nudity when u got no earrings on!

    Aïssatou W.
