What's with the sudden "bandwagonning" of Drake?
People are always asking me did you hear that new guy Drake?
He's not new you idiots! Drake's been underground for a minute now. He dropped his first mixtape in like '06... That was 3 yrs ago. How is that new?
If you were a true fan of his you would know that.
Half the people that claim to be his "biggest fans" haven't even heard his album!
(So Far Gone)
They just like him cause he's currently the cool kid on the block.
And they heard "Best i Ever Had" or "Unstoppable" on the radio or a friend's myspace.
If you can name one of his songs off any of his albums that isn't a single i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. &&no "replacement girl" def. doesn't count.

Drake is someone you really have to listen to, like pay attention to his words.
He's an amazing lyracist i swear.
&& stop comparing him to Wayne! that really errks me.
He's different, you know the kid sings too.
And not like the shiit Weezy does. I love wayne' but that ain't singing.

This should sound familiar to you "so called fans". If not, lemme enlighten you.
(Only 30 sec clips of each song)
Drake - So Far Gone
Ahhh...I can't wait for Thank Me Later to come out.
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