So my cousin Manjula graduated form Washington Adventist University yesterday and umm...We So Proud! *Rebecca Black voice* lol. Although I was super happy for her I couldn't help but feel depressed for myself because for one all my older cousins have now graduated., I'm the only one still in college not counting my younger cousins. But it's like all of them are starting their careers and regardless of our age difference I have always tried to tag along and be apart of their click but now I feel like they are about to be on their grown women shyt, probably get married and have babies soon and I'm gonna be left behind:( Some people take youth as a time to party and have fun but honestly, sometimes I wanna skip all this. The adults in my life are like, what? why would you wanna be a grown up, I wish I could go back to being young. I'm such an old soul, I swear, I want to be married by the time I'm 22 and have kids at 25. I understand if everyone reading thinks I'm crazy now or that's too young but I feel like it's not your age it's your mindset. Although I can be immature or irresponsible in some aspects like cleaning my room or being on time to class but as far as what I want out of this life, I already know unlike many of my peers. The other reason why the graduation made me sad is cause I realized I still have 3 more years for my bachelors then 2 more of my masters -_____- ughhh. I'm not exactly keen on school although I do take it seriously and find it to be both important and stimulating. Anyways the day wasn't about me, it was about Manjula and it was really great having the fam come together. It was like 40 of us and we went to this Thai restaurant after the graduation, the food was great! I had fried duck for the first time, tastes like chicken, of
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