October 31, 2010
They clap they applaud they love me, my God.
The title of this post is one of my favorite lines from my favorite rapper, Lupe Fiasco! I love this man, ya'll don't understand. His verses turn me on and his words get me weak. The thing with hip-hop nowadays is that rappers are praised for making club music instead of being true lyracists like Lupe is. This man is a genius, literally, he has an online book club that I just joined. What rapper you know got a book club where he actaully gives intelligent insight on serious works of literature...don't worry, I'll wait. lol. But I think he is extremely overlooked and under recognized which blows me cause he has so much talent that the world needs to see. Anyway doe, I'm really anxious about his new album coming out March 8, 2011. I've been playing The Cool (his last album, if you havent heard it you are missing out) over and over again. Today he released his first new single off the highly anticipated album, Lasers and here it is.... "The Show Goes On"
Jeantrix Clothing Co.
If I had somewhere to go other than school and other random events that don't require a high standard for dressing, I would wear dope shit like THIS. Jeantrix is a clothing line created by two young male designers named Nyce and Homm, who are far from plain, average, or boring. They use clothing as a form of expressing their inner most thoughts and feelings. The line consistes of dresses, jackets, and accessories of various patterns, shapes, colors, and textures. These clothes aren't for the average shopper its for those who consider fashion as a way of life.

This camo jacket is something I can actually see myself wearing as part of an everyday outfit, loveeee it!
For more about Jeantrix Clothing Co. check out their site here
So close, yet so far away....
Only 19 more days until Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) comes out in theatres! I am so extcited man, I love Harry Potter. I remember when my mom bought me my first Harry Potter book in like 3rd grade, I opened it, read the first page, noticed how small the text was and how thick the book was and closed it back up, just like that. As much as I loved to read I really couldn't even fade it. But after the first movie came out, I loved it so much that I couldn't wait for the next part so I started reading the books, became addicted and now I've read all of them. Bet you didn't know that about me, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. The fact that they are breaking down Deathly Hollows into two parts makes me a little anxious though cause I know I'm going to leave the theatre wanting more but it also makes me happy because at least I know the movies aren't over so I'll have something to look forward to. Part 2 comes out July 15, 2011 btw *marks calendar*
Here is the official trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows [Part 1] :
Harry Potter stars in 2001
They were so young during the first movie, we pretty muched watch them grow up through the movies.
.........Now them in 2010
Trend Alert! Jeggings.
We all know that fashion goes and comes then comes back again. But there is this one particular style that I detest very much so. I remember my mom buying me a pair of these when I was in like 2nd grade & I hated them then as much as I hate them now. I'm talking about Jeggings, you know jeans + leggings= Jeggings. Those leggings that look like they are made out of denim material. To me it's like why not just wear a pair of skinny jeans or a pair of black leggings. I was even talking to my friends about it yesterday and they say they like them, I guess it's just me. I'm not gonna lie they are "in" style right now and the ones that they are making now aren't as cheap looking.
BCBG Jeggings
October 30, 2010
Oh you fancy huh?
I'm one of those people that owns like 2 pairs of sweat pants so I have NO CHOICE but to dress up everyday but that's what I live for anyway. Whenever I dress down it's because I'm either sick or I'm not in a good mood which is pretty rare. I take pride in trying to look my best cause then I feel my best! I promise you guys though I will never again take pics in this backdrop, with all these cars...yuck. But the leaves look pretty, one of the few things I like about fall. While we're talking about seasons, here's my theory on weather:
During the fall and spring it rains too much....I hate the rain! & Summer is so hot that even if you rip your skin off and walk around with your bare bones you'll still be hot. But winter is perfect, and I'm not just saying this because I'm a winter baby or because I <3<3<3 winter fashion lol but when it's cold all you have to do is bundle up with a coat, hat, scarf, gloves...etc and you're all warm! So Winter, in my opinion is the best season.
During the fall and spring it rains too much....I hate the rain! & Summer is so hot that even if you rip your skin off and walk around with your bare bones you'll still be hot. But winter is perfect, and I'm not just saying this because I'm a winter baby or because I <3<3<3 winter fashion lol but when it's cold all you have to do is bundle up with a coat, hat, scarf, gloves...etc and you're all warm! So Winter, in my opinion is the best season.
October 25, 2010
Recycled Goods.
When I'm feeling like plain jane I always throw on a cool accessory. These handmade wooden necklaces are one of my new favorites, made out of 100% recycled materiales!
October 24, 2010
Everyone loves pretty girl.
The other day I was sipping my iced coffee, listening to classics from Erykah Badu, and browsing around the web feeling all deep and inspired as I sometimes get when I stumbled upon an a truely astonishing poet. Her name is Semhar and she is amazing, and I know I over use that word but, my God there are some talented people in this world. Her poems are so relateable, so innovative, and they tell a story that's worth listening to. I even love the way she recites them. Here was one of my favorites, called Pretty Girl!
Check out more of her great poems on her youtube page : http://www.youtube.com/user/rahmes100
Check out more of her great poems on her youtube page : http://www.youtube.com/user/rahmes100
October 23, 2010
Runaway- Kanye West
Only Kanye West could pull something like this off. Instead of doing a music video for his song 'Runaway' he made a short movie out of it. It's really good though, there's a lot of symbolism in it but you don't have to be all creative to catch the concept. He had the model, Selita EBanks, playing the main character of the phoenix and she looks absolutely stunning. I'm actually jealous! lol Anyways, its a little over 30minutes so you might need to sit down for this one. Watch it here!
October 22, 2010
AJ from 106&Park.
I was just walkin down the street in New York and guess who I saw? AJ, who use to be the co-host on 106&Park with Free! I was actually scared to talk to him and ask for a photo because I really don't like to seem like a groupie.lol But whatever I got a pic anyway!
I look an absolute mess...yikes!
October 20, 2010
South Beach Café
While I was in New York I visited a good friend of mine's restaraunt in Harlem called South Beach Café. And it's a real cool spot beacuse it's an African AND American restaraunt. Like they have all my favoriteeee African delicacies but then they have like paninies, chicken alfredo, burgers and alladat. The theme is real hip, cool, sand on the beach-like, and modern yet with a afrocentric vibe. The whole menu was mouth-watering, If I had the time or the money I would have tried everything. The food was great, the customer service was on point, and I give it a two-thumbs up. I would highly recommened anyone in NY to go check it out!
They love you then they hate you then they love you again.
Lately, I've been extremely busy with school, photoshoots, pageant events and all that. And I'm not gonna lie, sometimes it's hard to balance it all, I'm constantly prioritizing because you can't always do everything and you can't always make everyone happy. But aside from all the pictures of the places I go and all the things I do I want everyone to know that I'm just another girl with a dream. I want to be so many things and I want to do so much for my family, my friends, my community and my country. I'm not about the lifestyle you might think I am. If I'm not at an event or photoshoot then I'm probably home, chillin. I'm not a party girl, I would much rather stay home and watch a movie. Sometimes I'm loud other times I think I'm too cool to speak. But I'm not cool at all, I come home from school and take naps everyday. I watch Cash Cab, Teen Mom, and Everybody Hates Chris. I consider waffles with Nutella a meal. I'm always sleep deprived. I'm a habitual prorastinator, which causes me to have to wake up at 4am to do my homework all the time. There is a lot you will never know about me. There's a lot I'll never know about myself. I'm a nice and happy person, I just have one of those naturally mean faces I think. Unlike most people I don't go out of my way to be nice to people I just meet, I wait till people prove they deserve my kindness. People that I don't even know, who have never even spoken to me, hate me. I don't care what anyone thinks except for God. I try to pray 5 times a day. Supposedly I'm concieted, but I beg to differ. I exude confidence and they hate it. I believe in my self and they hate it. I'm not worried about haters, they worried about me. I'm afraid of the dark so I leave my tv on when I go to bed. I might just have the coarsest hair on earth, but I still love it. Family is everything to me, God and Family above all. I want to be successful so I only wanna surround myself with people who want the same. Hugs not drugs. I'm actually really smart. My favorite game is chess. I always cheat in Monopoly. I actually care about what's going on with the government. I secretly wanna shave my whole head. Tyra Banks is one of my biggest influences. I'm always falling in love with talent. One of my favorite movies is Grease and I know the words to every song. I'm different yet exactly the same. I'm not perfect but I try.
'Whip My Hair' by Willow Smith Official Music Video .
This little girl is such a cutie pie! I really think she's going places, she has the coolest parents, a great sense of style, and she seems soooo sweet. At only 9 years old Willow Smith has been signed by Jay-Z's RocNation label and she is definitely buzz worthy. I'm telling ya'll right now she's a star, mark my words.
Check out her interview with Ryan Seacreast.
Check out her interview with Ryan Seacreast.
October 15, 2010
God don't like ugly, ain't too happy about pretty.
There are so many beautiful girls in the world, what's another pretty face? I believe ambition, drive, loyalty, intelligence, and confidence is what really sets you apart from everyone else. You can't get by on looks in life, beauty is only skin deep. What's in your heart and soul are what make you beautiful. It's the way you carry yourself, the way you treat others, and your mind that makes someone beautiful. Nowadays guys only care about how "thick" a girl is and all that but there's so much more to life, ya'll don't even know.
Elegance Africa Fashion Show
I really didn't mean to turn this blog into a documentation of my pageant/model life but those are really the only interesting things I've been doing lately. But then again I can talk about a lot of other things in the world cuz there's so much going on. I'm gonna change up this whole site real soon, you'll soon. Anyways, last weekend I went to this Fashion show in NYC. I love New York! The feeling I get from being there is like no other, I really wanna move there like in a year or two...I feel like my chances of being successful as a model are much greater there cuz there's so many opportunities. Sooo like I was saying, I went to the Elegance Africa Fashion show which is a showcase of modern African/European clothing from designers in Africa, Paris, Trinidad, etc.. The clothes and jewlery were all beautiful I can't wait till next year when I get to be in the show cuz this year I was a special guest (ahhhhhh, the life of a beauty queen) lol. Here are a few pics I took at the event, my camera ended up dying on me so I missed out on a lot of the designers peices:(
I was watching the models rehearse for the show earlier in the day.
The Pennsylvania Ave. hotel is mad nice.
Only in New York! $7.60 for half an hour is ridiculous
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